Why should I deploy Hivemapper Dashcams across my fleet of vehicles?

Why should I deploy Hivemapper Dashcams across my fleet of vehicles?
If you're a fleet owner, manager, or driver, you're likely to earn more HONEY tokens by simply continuing to do what you do best - pick up and drop off people and goods in many different locations over and over. optimal for providing what Hivemapper's decentralized global map needs: quality, coverage, and freshness.
Quality: Fleet drivers are more likely to collect better quality imagery because they are often professional drivers and will mount the Hivemapper Dashcam following best practices.
Coverage: 50 Uber drivers in London, UK, can generate 10,000 to 15,000 unique road miles per week providing valuable data for the Hivemapper Network.
Freshness: Mail delivery vehicles see most parts of a given city on a weekly basis ensuring that the map is refreshed.
How to create a Hivemapper Fleet
Today, we're releasing a way to create and manage fleets. After you create a fleet on Hivemapper, you can add fleet managers and drivers and set how you'd like to split HONEY tokens between yourself and members.
Hivemapper Fleets members can have one of three roles:
Owner: the person who created the fleet and has authority over all fleet administration.
Manager: person (or people) designated by the Owner with some authority over fleet administration.
Driver: By default, any new member of the fleet has the Driver role and no authority over fleet administration.
All fleet members, regardless of role, can contribute to the Hivemapper Network. For example, Owners and Managers can also contribute by mapping.
With help from StreamingFast , we released and announced Hivemapper Fleets Beta at the end of September and have been iterating on it since then. This release incorporates feedback from fleet owners, managers, and drivers. We will continue to learn from them as we build additional capabilities for Hivemapper Fleets over the coming months.
Remote dashcam locking and the Fleets Explorer View are next on the roadmap. Remote locking allows Owners more access controls over their dashcams which may be spread across many cities. Among other things, the Fleets Explorer View will give you the ability to see cover your fleet's and how much HONEY your fleet has earned over time.
What are the core capabilities of Hivemapper Fleets?
1. Create a fleet and add fleet members
To create a Hivemapper Fleet, visit here , log in to your Hivemapper account, and click “Name your fleet.” From there, invite your drivers to become members of your fleet.
In the image below, a fleet driver received an invitation to join a fleet and accepted the invite.
2. Token splitting between fleet manager and members
Token splitting refers to the ability to share HONEY rewards between you and your fleet drivers. In the fleet management interface, you can set a token split between yourself and each member of your fleet. By default, 100% of the rewards are set for the fleet owner and by changing the percentage you allow drivers to keep some percentage of the rewards they helped generate. HONEY will be automatically distributed during each weekly rewards cycle according to the token split. You can update the token split each week if you would like make changes.
3. Lock dashcam to the fleet to protect the asset
You can lock your Hivemapper dashcams and control access to them through the fleet management interface. Only authorized users are able to contribute to the Hivemapper Network using your dashcams and your rewards are protected.
Is Hivemapper Fleets a good match for my fleet?
From rideshare cars to garbage trucks to delivery vans, fleet vehicles come in many different shapes and sizes. Hivemapper Fleets are designed to support Micro Fleets with 2-9 dashcams, Small Fleets with 10-49 dashcams, Mid-sized Fleets with 9 50- dashcams, and Enterprise Fleets with 500+ dashcams.
If you'd like to purchase Hivemapper Dashcams for your fleet, contact john@hivemapper.com . Note: bulk discounts start at 5 or more dashcams.
Hivemapper Fleet Guide
For an in depth look at what it would take to create a Hivemapper Fleet, take a look at the Hivemapper Fleet Guide . This comprehensive guide will provide background, resources, and ensure optimal success for all Hivemapper Fleets.
Want to recruit drivers for your Hivemapper Fleet?
All Hivemapper Fleet Owners get access to The Colony : an ongoing, global list of drivers that want to be part of a Hivemapper Fleet.
Want to join a Hivemapper Fleet as a driver but don't have access to a dashcam?
If you're a driver and want to start mapping and earning HONEY rewards, please fill out this form to be entered into a list ( The Colony ) where fleet owners from all over the world with plans to expand their fleet can connect with you. Most fleet owners are looking for more drivers, not just within their city, but around the globe.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to hi@hivemapper.com with the subject line "Fleet Drivers."
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